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The Giving Fields Community Garden Guidelines for Success

The Giving Fields community garden is a plot rental program.  Gardeners enjoy outside work, planting, growing, and harvesting fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers for their personal consumption.  The garden is surrounded by fencing, offers two irrigation options, and a locked tool shed for storage. These guidelines are to provide our gardening community with the basic principles and organization to ensure all enjoy a positive gardening experience, the program is an asset to the community and the plots are well maintained.

Growing Season

  • Plots are rented on an annual basis from Jan. 1-Dec. 31.  

  • Planting will begin around May 1st and be done at the leisure of each farmer; however, training sessions will be offered for instructions on how to plant under the weed cover prior to the start of the season. 

  • Farmers are responsible for maintaining their plot once planting is complete. The weed cover will reduce the growth of weeds to a minimum however farmers should plan to visit their plots at least once a week.

  • Shared tools used during each visit should be cleaned and returned to the designated spot in the tool shed.

  • Remember that during the harvest any surplus produce can be donated to local food pantries by leaving it in the marked containers in the pavilion.

  • At the end of the growing season, plots need to be cleared of all loose materials, supplies, and tools to avoid any damage to tillers and mowers.  Fall clean up should be complete by the end of October to prepare the garden for winter cover crops.


What to plant

  • Some plants can be invasive and spread well beyond the plot they are planted in. To allow for proper maintenance of common areas a list of Vegetables, fruits, and herbs for personal consumption and/or donation to local food banks will be posted at the fields. 

  • Large vining or tall crops such as corn, large sunflowers, watermelons, and pumpkins will be grown in a separate part of the garden and shared with farmers that help maintain the common areas during the growing season.

  • Tomato stakes will be installed for you near each plant; however, simple non-permanent structures such as bean poles, tomato cages, trellises and short mesh fencing are all acceptable but need to be approved prior to installation.

  • Organic fertilizer will be supplied during the planting process.


General Maintenance Responsibilities

  • Garden plots will be given to new gardeners in a ready to go plant. The garden will be tilled, weed control matting and irrigation lines will be installed. After that, it is your responsibility to keep the entire plot well maintained, planted, or mulched and within its boundaries.  Plots should not be consistently weedy, overgrown, or untended.  

  • Gardeners should help maintain pathways between their plot and their neighbors.

  • We are excited to have gardeners of all ages and to foster the next generation of growers. To help children learn proper garden etiquette please supervise our youngest green thumbs while working.

  • Dogs always enjoy a visit to the expansive garden; however, if they are allowed to run free, they may cross planted rows. The weed cover can be easily punctured so pets should be leashed and not allowed to walk freely through the garden.

  • The perimeter deer fence is critical to the protection of the fields. It can be turned off during large community events however you should always assume that its live and refrain from climbing through it, leaning on it, or hanging anything on the fence itself.


Tool Shed

  • The shed is for shared tools as well as personal storage.  The shelves can be for personal storage of small items.

  • Larger tools such as shovels and rakes should be stored in the designated area to ensure we do not block access to the shelves. 

  • It is important to borrow tools from the tool shed that are designated for community use.  Please assume that everything on the shelves is to be left alone unless you have spoken to the owner. 

  • The shed combination is 2024

  • Please lock the shed before leaving the garden or coordinate with other gardeners working to ensure it is not left open.



  • An irrigation line will be installed beneath the weed cover and controlled by an automatic timer. Each irrigation station will have a hose for additional topical watering. The hoses should be rolled up and returned to its proper place when finished.



  • Information about the garden, renting a plot, and payment is located on the Giving fields website

  • There is a clipboard for shared information hanging to the right of the door inside the tool shed.

  • If you have any concerns or questions, please email us at Please include your phone number and we will try to answer your questions as quick as possible.



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