The Giving Fields

Row Rental Program
The Giving Fields Row Rental Program is a plot rental program for individual or group use. Gardeners enjoy outside work, planting, growing and harvesting fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers for their personal consumption.
Plots are rented annually, January 1 - December 31; with the option to maintain the same plots year to year. Gardeners will enjoy various amenities and state-of-the-art facilities and irrigation systems.
Extra harvest can be donated to The Giving Fields
Community Garden Initiative, where they will be distributed to local food banks and non-profit kitchens in Northern Kentucky.

4' X 50' Row
$150 / YEAR (JAN 1 - DEC 31)

4' X 100' Row
$250 / YEAR (JAN 1 - DEC 31)
A dedicated plot of land, where an individual or organization is responsible for planting, weeding and harvesting what they plant
Plots are tilled, covered with weed barrier and ready to plant
The garden is surrounded by a 7' Solar-powered electric deer fence and equipped with well water for irrigation
Gardeners have access to a Greenhouse and shared tool shed equipped with hand tools
Free use of shared compost piles
The garden is free of chemicals, pesticides and insecticides